As firefighters, we have dedicated our lives to helping people in their greatest time of need. But we know that the need doesn’t end with the end of our shift. The Whitehorse Firefighters Charitable Society, established in 2014 and comprised of the 40 professional members of the Whitehorse Firefighters Association, is driven by our desire to support our community not just in the crises of life but through the longer-term needs we see all around us, with a special focus on the children, youth and families of Whitehorse.
As the Whitehorse Firefighters Charitable Society, we promise to show up to meet the needs of our community as best we can – on our off-hours, just as we do in our working hours.
First responders on (and off) the clock
Responsiveness is part of the job when you’re a firefighter. If you don’t react quickly, buildings collapse, people get hurt. We carry that same responsive drive into our charitable work. When there’s a need in our community that we can fill, we show up. No messy red tape to cut through, no bureaucratic processes to belabour. Show us where we can be of service, and we’ll get straight to it.