Fill-the-Boot Drive
A firefighter tradition for almost 70 years across North America is the Muscular Dystrophy (MD) Fill-the-Boot Drive. It’s a personal commitment on the part of our firefighters to support those with neuromuscular disorders, and give them hope for the future and support in the present until a cure is found.
The proceeds from our Yukon Fill-the-Boot Drives go to those with MD, to the Burn Fund, or to local accident survivors. Every year, our firefighters take boots into local pubs, onto our local streets, into Canada Day parades and to events across Rendezvous. If ever you see one of us, boot in hand, we hope you’ll consider giving as you can. We promise warm feelings and a warm smile in return.
We don’t do charitable work because we have to, we do it because we care about people. It’s the same reason we became firefighters in the first place – to better our community, make it stronger, healthier, safer. Many of us will go our entire careers without ever pulling a child from a burning building. But our charitable society guarantees we will all have a chance to better a child’s life. And, for us, that’s what it’s all about.