Medical Supplies to Ukraine
Hospital beds, surgical clamps, portable high-powered lights, antibiotics, iodine, saline solution, and almost all common drugs and medicines are currently needed in Hospitals in the Ukraine. Together with the Yukon Building Trades council, and Yukon Carpenters Union Local 2499 and the Yukon Ukrainian community with its allies across the North, we hope to help raise funds and purchase these much needed goods to be put on a plane leaving for Whitehorse on its way to Europe where it will be delivered to those hospitals in the Ukraine.
To help us, please click the link below and make a donation.
It's In our nature to care..
We don't do charitable work because we have to, we do it because we care about people. Its the same reason we became firefighters in the first place - to better our community, make it stronger, healthier, safer. Many of us will go our entire careers without ever pulling a child from a burning building. But our charitable society guaruntees we will all have a chance to better a child's life. And, for us, that's what its all about